YES! (Your Empowered Sexuality)

YES Your Empowered Sexuality logo

YES! (Your Empowered Sexuality) is a nonprofit that offers anti-oppressive, consent-based, pleasure-focused sexuality education to people of all ages. The organization's podcast, "What Is Sex?" explores anonymous questions received from young people. In each episode, co-hosts Isy and Rebecca (and guests) tackle one question. They discuss possible reasons behind the question a student asked (i.e. where is that question coming from? what are they really wondering?). Then they reflect on their own memories of having the same question and how they learned about that topic. Finally, they model how they would answer that question for young people. YES! aims for everyone to use this podcast as a tool for reflecting on their own experiences learning/unlearning about sexuality.

Grantee type

Grants Awarded to YES! (Your Empowered Sexuality)

$10,000 - Awarded August 2022

Focus areas

2022 automatically renewed grant.

$10,000 - Awarded December 2021

Focus areas

The “What is Sex?” podcast provides a platform for adults to reflect on their early experiences with sexuality and bodies in order to heal and better support young people in their development.

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