The Credible Messenger Reporting Project empowers people impacted by gun violence to report on root causes, lived experience and possible solutions from the community perspective. Credible Messengers are paired with advanced professional journalists to learn from each other and leverage their combined authority to produce and distribute news reports, with financial support provided by the Center.

Grants Awarded to Credible Messenger Reporting Project

$100,000 - Awarded August 2021

Focus areas
Community-Centered Journalism

The 2021 Community Voices grant will support the expansion of the Credible Messenger Reporting Project, which was piloted by the 2020 Community Voices Fund. This project trains, compensates and empowers people impacted by gun violence to produce and distribute news reports addressing its root causes, their lived experience, and possible solutions from the community perspective, with guidance from professional journalists.

$28,000 - Awarded July 2020

Focus areas
Community-Centered Journalism

The 2020 Community Voices grant will support a pilot of a Credible Messenger Journalists program for individuals from communities impacted by gun violence to tell stories related to the experience of living with gun violence as well as identifying root causes and evidence-based solutions.

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